Cavalli Tower Penthouse / Interior Design

Cavalli Tower Penthouse (ID). Dubai, UAE

Immersed in a world of opulence and highlighting the Cavalli brand, the design of this penthouse revolves around variety and luxury. Combinations of materials such as marble, wood, metals and textiles are the main inspiration, astonishing everyone who inhabits it. Both the materials and the furniture were carefully selected from the great designer Roberto Cavalli, creating comfortable, friendly and luxurious spaces.

The main jewel is undoubtedly the double height living room, with an incredible ceiling design from which suspends a grand and iconic crystal chandelier. The lighting, color combinations, shapes and textures flood every corner of this space.

It is possible to appreciate the coherence that exists between one room and another, where no matter how many combinations we propose, it is unified in the same design that will make you feel at home. You can breathe design and good taste, you can breathe luxury and you can breathe a great satisfaction of a fulfilled interior design challenge.


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