Villa California / Contemporary New York Style

Villa California.

Contemporary New York Style. Marbella, Spain

Villa California is a jewel both inside and out, inspired by New York roots we define its characteristic range of dark and neutral colors. A modern and elegant style that accompanies every corner from the roof to the basement maintaining a harmony in the space.

Each corner has its own personality, but maintaining the same feeling as we go through them one by one. A design with vast windows that receive a large amount of natural light, allowed us to use the black color that predominates inside, without losing the greatness of the space.

The comfort of the furniture was fundamental at the moment of choosing it, and together with the materials, we arrived at an aesthetic combination of the interior, typical of those who are going to live in it. One of its most characteristic and amazing areas is: the kitchen. Furniture in matt black, combined with smoked glass, emperor marble effect worktop and strategic touches of LED lighting. All this in a space where the wood takes over the ceiling and as a whole results in an impeccable, elegant kitchen, capable of integrating with the rest of the house, without giving the sensation of being in a traditional one.

Working under the same concept and aesthetics, the design takes on a life of its own and the architecture becomes a home.


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