Our CEO featured in a Norwegian Magazine

We are very pleased to inform you that our CEO, Kristina Bråteng, is on the cover of the January edition of an important Norwegian magazine (Det Norske Magasinet).
The origins of our CEO are Norwegian and Spanish, so appearing on the cover of a renowned Norwegian magazine makes us even more excited.
In this report you can get to know Mrs. Bråteng in-depth, from her beginnings to her future perspectives… dealing, in between, with her more personal side.
Undoubtedly, it is a report that is worth reading if you want to know both Kristina Bråteng and this great company that she founded a few years ago and has managed to position itself as a global benchmark in the world of architecture.
You can see the full report in this link.
From here you can access the January edition of Det Norske Magasinet.
We are very proud of you, Kristina!!! Infinitum is not the limit!